Foursquare BlogEngine.NET widget version 0.2

There's a newer release available.

Foursquare BlogEngine widget version 0.2

During the last week I've added Bing Maps to the widget, so that you're last check-ins can be displayed on there.

Can I deactivate the map?
I've assumed that not all of you, would like to show your check-ins on the map aswell, so I've implemented the option to turn the map off.

Will the map play nicely with my current theme?
For everyone with a custom designed theme it sometimes can be frustrating adding another widget because you have to alter design settings everytime a new version comes out, to make this part easier, you can now edit the height and width settings in the edit section of the foursquare blogengine widget.

Where can I find the widget?
The new release, as all the other releases, is available at the according codeplex site.

With the current version you'll still need to reset the application after you've uploaded the widget. Sorry for that.

Published: 2010-03-14

Tagged: untagged
