Foursquare BlogEngine.NET widget version 0.3

foursquare logo

Hi users of blogengine. I'd like to announce another minor update to the foursquare widget for your favourite blogging platform which can be downloaded from codeplex. By the way this will be the last release working with the feeds, the next release will be running with the foursquare API.

out-of-the-box usage
Now everyone is able to use the plugin with your out-of-the-box BE installation, because I've changed the parts which were using LINQ to use .NET 2.0 methods. So there's no need to change the framework version to 3.5 anymore...

W3C compliant
The other thing I'd like to announce is that the widget is now fully W3C compliant, like BE itself.

Icons are back
Last I want to mention that the icons are getting embedded again, because they disappeared in some browsers while displayed via css.

You probably have to reset the blogengine application after you've uploaded the widget to your hosting provider. Sorry for that.

Published: 2010-04-11

Tagged: untagged
