Podcast about data related topics?

Audio Mixer

OpenData, BigData, Infographics, Visualizations and Data journalism are all buzz words and movements which started to get quite some traction lately.

Whilst there are lively ecosystems of blogs around niche topics like visualizations, processing or data journalism there is not enough interdisciplinary communication going on in my opinion.

Well, how about creating it by interviewing those experts, giving them some airtime and maybe even connect previously unknown scientists, journalists, hackers, politicians and ideators to each other.

Since I am still toying with the idea there is nothing fixed just yet. The language might be English or German depending on who is in front of the camera. Also if you are interested in being a host or can suggest a person, let me know.

Would you like to listen to or watch it?

Published: 2012-02-10

Tagged: Podcast
