The Go programming language

Go is a new programming language and sort of a mixture of C, Python, Oberon and other languages. It tries to solve many problems where other languages are failing when deployed on a very large scale, eg. on Googles infrastructure.

Below are the recordings of last week's joint event by the IT geeks Zurich and GTUG Zurich. At this event Luuk van Dijk a staff software engineer at Google who's currently working on the Go compiler and Johan Euphrosine a Developer Programs Engineer working on App Engine offered some insights on how Go can be leveraged and what it does internally to do so.

Also many thanks to the organizer Muharem Hrnjadovic for making this second amazing IT geeks event possible.

And without further ado, enjoy the talks below and excuse the Pizza distribution dilemma we luckily had to deal with.

Published: 2012-03-18

Tagged: Programming Language Golang
