Create a QR code from the command line

Lindsay, my wife, has been working on her online shop (gestempelt & gedruckt — unique handicrafts inspired by nature) for the last few months. Now that it’s complete, she's eager to get the word out with flyers. For this, she needed a QR code with the shop's URL to make it easier for people to scan.

So how do you generate a white QR code with the rest being transparent without needing to sign up to a website?

Use qrencode and ImageMagick on the command line.

First, install the applications using:

brew install qrencode imagemagick

Then, generate the QR code:

# Create the QR code (white on black).
qrencode -s 20 --foreground=ffffff --background=000000 -l H -o "URL.png" ""

# Replace black with "transparent".
convert URL.png -fuzz 10% -transparent black URL_transparent.png

Published: 2024-11-03

Tagged: TIL Tools QR code
